
Numerical Simulators

In this file, we choose a benchmark plant, CSTR shown in the following figure, controlled by a PID controller. Also, we define the bias sensor attack that subtracts 25K from the temperature sensor feedback starting from the ninth second. The detector identifies the attack at the 10th second, and triggers the recovery controllers. Baseline recovery controllers include (i) no recovery method (none), (ii) software-sensor-based recovery (ssr [1]_), (iii) linear-quadratic-regulator-based recovery (lqr [2]_), and (vi) data-predictive recovery (mpc [3]_).

First, we aim to evaluate the recovery performance of different baseline recovery controllers. We only require modifying the configuration file rather than writing simulation code. In this file, we use three benchmark plants, CSTR, quadrotor and Vessel, controlled by a PID controller. Also, we define the bias sensor attack. The detector identifies the attack after the attack happends and triggers the recovery controllers. Baseline recovery controllers include (i) no recovery method (none), (ii) software-sensor-based recovery (ssr [1]_), (iii) linear-quadratic-regulator-based recovery (lqr [2]_), and (vi) data-predictive recovery (mpc [3]_).

The following figure plots the results from the simulator. From the curve, we can intuitively analyze the recovery performance of each baseline recovery controller.

Attack Recovery Performance for Baselines

We conduct a sensitivity analysis by varying bias values and noise on the CSTR benchmark. The findings are displayed in the two figures below.

Sensitivity analysis on CSTR benchmark Sensitivity analysis to noise on CSTR benchmark

We also provide the sensitivity analysis by the noise with varying upper bound on the quadrotor benchmark.

Sensitivity analysis to noise on quadrotor benchmark

We provide the source code of above figures.

Bias attack on the CSTR benchmark
 1import numpy as np
 2class cstr_bias:
 3    name = 'cstr_bias'  # benchmark name
 4    max_index = 180  # simulation time period
 5    ref = [np.array([0.98189, 300.00013])] * (max_index + 1)  # reference state
 6    dt = 0.1  # sampling time
 7    noise = {
 8        'process': {  # process/sensor disturbance
 9            'type': 'box_uniform',
10            'param': {'lo': np.array([0, 0]), 'up': np.array([0.15, 0.15])}  # the intensity of disturbance
11        }
12    }
13    # noise = None
14    model = CSTR(name, dt, max_index, noise=noise)  # benchmark model  (defined in simulators folder)
15    ode_imath = cstr_imath  # model for interval arithmetic
17    attack_start_index = 90  # index when attack starts
18    recovery_index = 100  # index when recovery starts
19    bias = np.array([0, -30])  # bias sensor attack intensity
20    unsafe_states_onehot = [0, 1]  # indicate which state is unsafe / affected by attack
21    attack = Attack('bias', bias, attack_start_index)  # attack type and intensity
23    output_index = 1  # index in state to be plotted
24    ref_index = 1  # index in state to be plotted
26    safe_set_lo = np.array([-5, 250])  # safe set lower bound
27    safe_set_up = np.array([5, 360])  # safe set upper bound
28    target_set_lo = np.array([-5, 299])  # target set lower bound
29    target_set_up = np.array([5, 301])  # target set upper bound
30    control_lo = np.array([200])  # control lower bound
31    control_up = np.array([300])  # control upper bound
32    recovery_ref = np.array([0.98189, 300.00013])  # recovery target state
34    # Q = np.diag([1, 1])
35    # QN = np.diag([1, 1])
36    Q = np.diag([1, 1000])  # state cost for LQR or MPC
37    QN = np.diag([1, 1000])  # final state cost for LQR or MPC
38    R = np.diag([1])  # control cost for LQR or MPC
40    MPC_freq = 1  # optimization frequency
41    nx = 2  # state dimension
42    nu = 1  # control dimension
44    # plot
45    y_lim = (280, 360)  # y axis range to be plotted
46    x_lim = (8, dt * 200)  # x axis range to be plotted
47    strip = (target_set_lo[output_index], target_set_up[output_index])  # strip to be plotted
48    y_label = 'Temperature [K]'  # y axis label
50    # for linearizations for baselines, find equilibrium point and use below
51    u_ss = np.array([274.57786])  # equilibrium control  for baseline only
52    x_ss = np.array([0.98472896, 300.00335862])  # equilibrium state for baseline only


Fast Attack Recovery for Stochastic Cyber-Physical Systems

We present the simulations for the Fast Attack Recovery for Stochastic Cyber-Physical Systems paper [4]. We propose the solution to the Optimal probabilistic recovery (OPR). We use the linear model of a motor as an example. For the experiments in the paper, we simulate a bias attack against the motor angular speed measurement by adding a bias of -1m/s. The adversary deploys the attack at time 3s after beginning the simulation, and the detector identifies the attack one second later. This alarm triggers the recovery strategies.

We compare the performance of our solution, called the open loop OPR (OPR-OL), with the LQR-based recovery [2]_, and virtual sensors. We then obtain the next Figure:

Attack Recovery Performance for Baselines for the motor system

We also include the simulations to improve our solution by incorporating the non-compromised sensors into the recovery. We call this strategy the partially closed loop OPR (OPR-PCL). We compare the OPR-OL and OPR-PCL:

Attack Recovery Performance for Baselines for the motor system

We provide the code to obtain previous figures.

Bias attack on the CSTR benchmark
  2This file implements the simulation of real-time recovery linear quadratic regulator (RTR-LQR)
  3Virtual sensors (VS), Optimal probabilistic recovery in open loop (OPR-OL) and closed loop (OPR-CL)
  6from copy import deepcopy
  7import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
  8plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 15})
  9import matplotlib
 10matplotlib.rcParams['pdf.fonttype'] = 42
 11matplotlib.rcParams['ps.fonttype'] = 42
 13import numpy as np
 14import logging
 15import sys
 16import os
 17import csv
 18import time
 19from time import perf_counter
 21os.environ["RANDOM_SEED"] = '0'   # for reproducibility
 22sys.path.append(sys.path[0] + '/../../')
 24from cpsim.formal.gaussian_distribution import GaussianDistribution
 25from cpsim.formal.reachability import ReachableSet
 26from cpsim.formal.zonotope import Zonotope
 27from cpsim.observers.kalman_filter import KalmanFilter
 28from cpsim.observers.full_state_bound import Estimator
 29from cpsim.controllers.LP_cvxpy import LP
 30from cpsim.controllers.MPC_cvxpy import MPC
 32# from cpsim.performance.performance_metrics import distance_to_strip_center, in_strip
 34def in_strip(l, x, a, b):
 35    if l @ x >= a and l @ x <= b:
 36        success = 1
 37    else:
 38        success = 0
 39    return success
 41colors = {'none': 'red', 'lqr': 'C1', 'ssr': 'C2', 'oprp-close': 'C4', 'oprp-open': 'C0'}
 42labels = {'none': 'None', 'lqr': 'RTR-LQR', 'ssr': 'VS', 'oprp-close': 'OPR-PCL', 'oprp-open': 'OPR'}
 44# logger
 46    format="%(asctime)s [%(levelname)s] %(message)s",
 47    handlers=[
 48        logging.FileHandler("debug.log"),
 49        logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
 50    ]
 52logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 60def save_exp_data(exp, exp_rst, bl, profiling_data = None):
 61    '''method to store data'''
 62    exp_rst[bl]['states'] = deepcopy(exp.model.states)
 63    exp_rst[bl]['outputs'] = deepcopy(exp.model.outputs)
 64    exp_rst[bl]['inputs'] = deepcopy(exp.model.inputs)
 65    exp_rst[bl]['time'] = {}
 67    exp_rst[bl]['recovery_steps'] = profiling_data['recovery_steps']
 68    exp_rst[bl]['recovery_complete_index'] = profiling_data['recovery_complete_index']
 72# ---------  attack + no recovery  -------------
 73def simulate_no_recovery(exp, bl):
 74    '''
 75    Simulation with attack and no recovery
 76    exp: class with the experiment characteristics
 77    '''
 78    exp.model.reset()
 79    exp_name = f" {bl} {exp.name} "
 80    logger.info(f"{exp_name:=^40}")
 81    for i in range(0, exp.max_index + 1):
 82        assert exp.model.cur_index == i
 83        exp.model.update_current_ref(exp.ref[i])
 84        # attack here
 85        exp.model.cur_feedback = exp.attack.launch(exp.model.cur_feedback, i, exp.model.states)
 86        exp.model.evolve()
 88    profiling_data = {}
 89    profiling_data["recovery_complete_index"] = exp.max_index + 1
 90    profiling_data["recovery_steps"] = exp.max_index - exp.attack_start_index 
 92    return profiling_data
 95# ---------  LQR  -------------
 96def simulate_LQR(exp, bl):
 97    '''
 98    Simulate the RTR-LQR
 99    '''
100    exp_name = f" {bl} {exp.name} "
101    logger.info(f"{exp_name:=^40}")
102    # required objects
103    A = exp.model.sysd.A
104    B = exp.model.sysd.B
105    est = Estimator(A, B, max_k=150, epsilon=1e-7)
106    maintain_time = 3
107    exp.model.reset()
108    # init variables
109    recovery_complete_index = exp.max_index
110    rec_u = None
112    elapsed_times = []
113    # Main loop 
114    for i in range(0, exp.max_index + 1):
115        assert exp.model.cur_index == i
116        # Obtains reference
117        exp.model.update_current_ref(exp.ref[i])
118        # Launch attack
119        exp.model.cur_feedback = exp.attack.launch(exp.model.cur_feedback, i, exp.model.states)
120        if i == exp.attack_start_index - 1:
121            logger.debug(f'trustworthy_index={i}, trustworthy_state={exp.model.cur_x}')
122            pass
125        # Check if the recovery begins
126        if i == exp.recovery_index:
127            logger.debug(f'recovery_index={i}, recovery_start_state={exp.model.cur_x}')
129            # State reconstruction
130            us = exp.model.inputs[exp.attack_start_index - 1:exp.recovery_index]
131            x_0 = exp.model.states[exp.attack_start_index - 1]
132            x_cur_lo, x_cur_up, x_cur = est.estimate(x_0, us)
133            logger.debug(f'reconstructed state={x_cur}')
135            # deadline estimate
136            safe_set_lo = exp.safe_set_lo
137            safe_set_up = exp.safe_set_up
138            control = exp.model.inputs[i - 1]
139            k = est.get_deadline(x_cur, safe_set_lo, safe_set_up, control, 100)
140            recovery_complete_index = exp.recovery_index + k
141            logger.debug(f'deadline={k}')
142            # maintainable time compute
145            # get recovery control sequence
146            lqr_settings = {
147                'Ad': A, 'Bd': B,
148                'Q': exp.Q, 'QN': exp.QN, 'R': exp.R,
149                'N': k + 3,
150                'ddl': k, 'target_lo': exp.target_set_lo, 'target_up': exp.target_set_up,
151                'safe_lo': exp.safe_set_lo, 'safe_up': exp.safe_set_up,
152                'control_lo': exp.control_lo, 'control_up': exp.control_up,
153                'ref': exp.recovery_ref
154            }
155            lqr = MPC(lqr_settings)
156            _ = lqr.update(feedback_value=x_cur)
157            rec_u = lqr.get_full_ctrl()
158            rec_x = lqr.get_last_x()
159            logger.debug(f'expected recovery state={rec_x}')
160        # Implements the RTR-LQR recovery
161        if i == recovery_complete_index + maintain_time:
162            logger.debug(f'state after recovery={exp.model.cur_x}')
163            step = recovery_complete_index + maintain_time - exp.recovery_index
164            logger.debug(f'use {step} steps to recover.')
165        # Check we need to use the recovery
166        if exp.recovery_index <= i < recovery_complete_index + maintain_time:
167            rec_u_index = i - exp.recovery_index
168            u = rec_u[rec_u_index]
169            exp.model.evolve(u)
170        else: # If not using the recovery, run one step
171            exp.model.evolve()
172    # Store profiling data
173    profiling_data = {}
174    profiling_data["recovery_complete_index"] = recovery_complete_index
175    profiling_data["recovery_steps"] = step
176    return profiling_data
179# ---------  attack + virtual sensors  -------------
180def simulate_ssr(exp, bl):
181    '''
182    Implements the software sensors
183    '''
184    # required objects
185    recovery_complete_index = exp.max_index - 1
186    A = exp.model.sysd.A
187    B = exp.model.sysd.B
188    est = Estimator(A, B, max_k=150, epsilon=1e-7)
189    logger.info(f"{bl} {exp.name:=^40}")
190    for i in range(0, exp.max_index + 1):
191        assert exp.model.cur_index == i
192        exp.model.update_current_ref(exp.ref[i])
193        # attack here
194        exp.model.cur_feedback = exp.attack.launch(exp.model.cur_feedback, i, exp.model.states)
196        if i == exp.attack_start_index - 1:
197            logger.debug(f'trustworthy_index={i}, trustworthy_state={exp.model.cur_x}')
198            pass
199        if i == exp.recovery_index:
200            logger.debug(f'recovery_index={i}, recovery_start_state={exp.model.cur_x}')
202            # State reconstruction
203            us = exp.model.inputs[exp.attack_start_index - 1:exp.recovery_index]
204            x_0 = exp.model.states[exp.attack_start_index - 1]
205            x_cur = est.estimate_wo_bound(x_0, us)
206            logger.debug(f'one before reconstructed state={x_cur}')
207            last_predicted_state = deepcopy(x_cur)
209        if exp.recovery_index <= i < recovery_complete_index:
210            # check if it is in target set
211            if in_strip(exp.s.l, last_predicted_state, exp.s.a, exp.s.b):
212                recovery_complete_index = i
213                logger.debug('state after recovery={exp.model.cur_x}')
214                step = recovery_complete_index - exp.recovery_index
215                logger.debug(f'use {step} steps to recover.')
217            # Estimate the state using the virtual sensors
218            us = [exp.model.inputs[i - 1]]
219            x_0 = last_predicted_state
220            x_cur = est.estimate_wo_bound(x_0, us)
222            # Set the feedback to the state estimated by the virtual sensors
223            exp.model.cur_feedback = exp.model.sysd.C @ x_cur
224            last_predicted_state = deepcopy(x_cur)
225            print(f'{exp.model.cur_u}')
228        exp.model.evolve()
230    profiling_data = {}
231    profiling_data["recovery_complete_index"] = recovery_complete_index
232    profiling_data["recovery_steps"] = recovery_complete_index - exp.recovery_index 
233    return profiling_data
236# ---------  attack + OPR-CL  -------------
237def simulate_oprp_cl(exp, bl):
238    '''
239    Simulate the OPR-CL
240    exp: class with the experiments characteristics.
241    '''
242    # required objects
243    A = exp.model.sysd.A
244    B = exp.model.sysd.B
245    # Initialize the Kalman filter
246    kf_C = exp.kf_C
247    C = exp.model.sysd.C
248    D = exp.model.sysd.D
249    kf_Q = exp.model.p_noise_dist.sigma if exp.model.p_noise_dist is not None else np.zeros_like(A)
250    kf_R = exp.kf_R
251    kf = KalmanFilter(A, B, kf_C, D, kf_Q, kf_R)
252    # Initialize the zonotopes
253    U = Zonotope.from_box(exp.control_lo, exp.control_up)
254    W = exp.model.p_noise_dist
255    reach = ReachableSet(A, B, U, W, max_step=exp.max_recovery_step )
257    # init variables
258    recovery_complete_index = exp.max_index
259    x_cur_update = None
263    logger.info(f" OPR-CL {exp.name} ")
264    for i in range(0, exp.max_index + 1):
265        assert exp.model.cur_index == i
266        exp.model.update_current_ref(exp.ref[i])
267        # attack here
268        exp.model.cur_feedback = exp.attack.launch(exp.model.cur_feedback, i, exp.model.states)
270        if i == exp.attack_start_index - 1:
271            logger.debug(f'trustworthy_index={i}, trustworthy_state={exp.model.cur_x}')
272            pass
274        # state reconstruct
275        if i == exp.recovery_index:
276            logger.debug(f'recovery_index={i}, recovery_start_state={exp.model.cur_x}')
277            # Obtains the inputs between instant of the attack beginning and the recovery beginning
278            us = exp.model.inputs[exp.attack_start_index-1:exp.recovery_index]
279            # Obtains the measurements.
280            ys = (kf_C @ exp.model.states[exp.attack_start_index:exp.recovery_index + 1].T).T
281            x_0 = exp.model.states[exp.attack_start_index-1]
282            # Use a Kalman filter to estimate the state at the reconfiguration beginning
283            x_res, P_res = kf.multi_steps(x_0, np.zeros_like(A), us, ys)
284            x_cur_update = GaussianDistribution(x_res[-1], P_res[-1])
285            logger.debug(f"reconstructed state={x_cur_update.miu=}, ground_truth={exp.model.cur_x}")
286        # OPR-OL recovery begins
287        # Estimate the probability distribution of the system state
288        if exp.recovery_index < i < recovery_complete_index:
289            x_cur_predict = GaussianDistribution(*kf.predict(x_cur_update.miu, x_cur_update.sigma, exp.model.cur_u))
290            y = kf_C @ exp.model.cur_x
291            x_cur_update = GaussianDistribution(*kf.update(x_cur_predict.miu, x_cur_predict.sigma, y))
292            logger.debug(f"reconstructed state={x_cur_update.miu=}, ground_truth={exp.model.cur_x}")
294        if i == recovery_complete_index:
295            logger.debug(f'state after recovery={exp.model.cur_x}')
296            pass
297        # Use the OPR-OL to implement the recovery
298        if exp.recovery_index <= i < recovery_complete_index:
299            # Compute the reachable means
300            reach.init(x_cur_update, exp.s)
301            # Compute the recovery sequence
302            k, X_k, D_k, z_star, alpha, P, arrive = reach.given_k(max_k=exp.max_recovery_step)
303            print(f"{k=}, {z_star=}, {P=}")
304            recovery_control_sequence = U.alpha_to_control(alpha)
305            recovery_complete_index = i+k
306            exp.model.evolve(recovery_control_sequence[0])
307            print(f"{i=}, {recovery_control_sequence[0]=}")
308        else:
309            exp.model.evolve()
311    profiling_data = {}
312    profiling_data["recovery_complete_index"] = recovery_complete_index
313    profiling_data["recovery_steps"] = recovery_complete_index - exp.recovery_index 
314    return profiling_data
316# ---------  attack + OPR_OL  -------------
317def simulate_oprp_ol(exp, bl):
318    '''
319    function to simulate the OPR-OL strategy.
320    exp: the experiment settings class 
321    '''
322    # required objects
323    A = exp.model.sysd.A
324    B = exp.model.sysd.B
325    C = exp.model.sysd.C
326    U = Zonotope.from_box(exp.control_lo, exp.control_up)
327    W = exp.model.p_noise_dist
328    reach = ReachableSet(A, B, U, W, max_step=exp.max_recovery_step )
330    # init variables
331    recovery_complete_index = exp.max_index
332    x_cur_update = None
333    exp_name = f" OPR-OL {exp.name} "
334    logger.info(f"{exp_name:=^40}")
335    for i in range(0, exp.max_index + 1):
336        assert exp.model.cur_index == i
337        exp.model.update_current_ref(exp.ref[i])
338        # attack here
339        exp.model.cur_feedback = exp.attack.launch(exp.model.cur_feedback, i, exp.model.states)
340        if i == exp.attack_start_index - 1:
341            logger.debug(f'trustworthy_index={i}, trustworthy_state={exp.model.cur_x}')
342            pass
344        # state reconstruct
345        if i == exp.recovery_index:
346            us = exp.model.inputs[exp.attack_start_index - 1:exp.recovery_index]
347            x_0 = exp.model.states[exp.attack_start_index - 1]
348            x_0 = GaussianDistribution(x_0, np.zeros((exp.model.n, exp.model.n)))
349            reach.init(x_0, exp.s)
350            x_res_point = reach.state_reconstruction(us)
351            print('x_0=', x_res_point)
353            reach.init(x_res_point, exp.s)
354            k, X_k, D_k, z_star, alpha, P, arrive = reach.given_k(max_k=exp.k_given)
355            recovery_complete_index = exp.recovery_index + k
356            rec_u = U.alpha_to_control(alpha)
358            print('k=', k, 'P=', P, 'z_star=', z_star, 'arrive=', arrive)
359            print('D_k=', D_k)
360            print('recovery_complete_index=', recovery_complete_index)
361            print(rec_u)
363        if exp.recovery_index <= i < recovery_complete_index:
364            rec_u_index = i - exp.recovery_index
365            u = rec_u[rec_u_index]
366            exp.model.evolve(u)
367        else:
368            exp.model.evolve()
370    profiling_data = {}
371    profiling_data["recovery_complete_index"] = recovery_complete_index
372    profiling_data["recovery_steps"] = recovery_complete_index - exp.recovery_index 
374    return profiling_data
376def plot_ts(strategies, exp, exp_rst):
377    plt.figure(figsize=(5,3))
378    max_t = 0
379    for strategy in strategies:
380        # 
381        states = exp_rst[strategy]["states"]
382        t = np.arange(0, len(states)) * exp.dt
384        states = states[0:exp_rst[strategy]["recovery_complete_index"] + 1]
385        t = t[0:exp_rst[strategy]["recovery_complete_index"] + 1]
386        max_t = np.maximum(t[-1], max_t)
387        #
388        plt.plot(t, states[:, 0], color=colors[strategy], label=labels[strategy], linewidth=2)
389        plt.plot(t[-1], states[-1, 0], color=colors[strategy], marker='*', linewidth=8)
390    # Plot limits in x
391    axes = plt.gca()
392    x_lim = axes.get_xlim()
393    plt.xlim(exp.x_lim[0], max_t + 0.5)
395    # Plot limits in y
396    plt.ylim(exp.y_lim)
397    plt.vlines(exp.attack_start_index * exp.dt, exp.y_lim[0], exp.y_lim[1], color='red', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=2)
398    plt.vlines(exp.recovery_index * exp.dt, exp.y_lim[0], exp.y_lim[1], colors='green', linestyle='dotted', linewidth=2)
400    plt.fill_between(t + 0.5, t * 0 - exp.s.a, t * 0 - exp.s.b, facecolor='green', alpha=0.3)
401    plt.ylabel(exp.y_label)
402    plt.xlabel("Time [s]")
403    plt.legend(ncol=2)
406def sim_strategies(exps, plot_time_series):
408    for exp in exps:
410        strategies = {}
411        # Declare strategies we want to simulate
412        strategies = {  # 'none': simulate_no_recovery,
413                        'ssr': simulate_ssr,
414                        'oprp-close': simulate_oprp_cl,
415                        'oprp-open': simulate_oprp_ol,
416                        'lqr': simulate_LQR}
419        result = {}
420        result[exp.name] = {}
421        exp_rst = result[exp.name]
422        for strategy in strategies:
423            exp.model.reset()
424            exp_rst[strategy] = {}
425            simulate = strategies[strategy]
426            # Simulate strategy
427            profiling_data = simulate(exp, strategy)
428            # Store data
429            save_exp_data(exp, exp_rst, strategy, profiling_data)
430            recovery_complete_index = exp_rst[strategy]['recovery_complete_index']
431            final_state = exp_rst[strategy]['states'][recovery_complete_index].tolist()
435        # Begin plots 
436        if plot_time_series:
437            str_plot = ['ssr', 'oprp-open', 'lqr']
438            plot_ts(str_plot, exp, exp_rst)
439            str_plot = ['oprp-open', 'oprp-close']
440            plot_ts(str_plot, exp, exp_rst)
441            plt.show()
445# Main function
446def main():
447    plot_time_series = True
448    # Import the system and simulation settings. See the settings.py file
449    # This classes have the simulation parameters such as the safe regions
450    from settings import motor_speed_bias, quadruple_tank_bias, f16_bias, aircraft_pitch_bias, boeing747_bias, quadrotor_bias, rlc_circuit_bias
451    exps = [motor_speed_bias]
452    sim_strategies(exps, plot_time_series)
455if __name__ == "__main__":
456    main()

An user can change the attack characteristics (e.g., detection delay).

Bias attack on the CSTR benchmark
  2This file has the simulation parameters for several linear systems presented in the paper.
  5import numpy as np
  6import sys
  7sys.path.append(sys.path[0] + '/../')
  8from cpsim.models.linear.motor_speed import MotorSpeed
  9from cpsim.models.linear.quadruple_tank import QuadrupleTank
 10from cpsim.models.linear.F16 import F16
 11from cpsim.models.linear.aircraft_pitch import AircraftPitch
 12from cpsim.models.linear.boeing747 import Boeing
 13from cpsim.models.linear.heat import Heat
 14from cpsim.models.linear.platoon import Platoon
 15from cpsim.models.linear.rlc_circuit import RlcCircuit
 16from cpsim.models.linear.quadrotor import Quadrotor
 17from cpsim.models.linear.lane_keeping import LaneKeeping
 18from cpsim.attack import Attack
 19from cpsim.formal.strip import Strip
 20# --------------------- motor speed -------------------
 21class motor_speed_bias:
 22    # Experiment name
 23    name = 'motor_speed_bias'
 24    # Maximum simulation steps
 25    max_index = 500
 26    # Discretization time
 27    dt = 0.02
 28    # Reference vector
 29    ref = [np.array([4])] * 501
 30    # Noise characteristics
 31    noise = {
 32        'process': {
 33            'type': 'white',
 34            'param': {'C': np.array([[0.01, 0], [0, 0.01]])}
 35        }
 36    }
 37    # Import system dynamics
 38    model = MotorSpeed('bias', dt, max_index, noise)
 39    # Control input constraints
 40    control_lo = np.array([0])
 41    control_up = np.array([50])
 42    model.controller.set_control_limit(control_lo, control_up)
 43    # Attack characteristics
 44    attack_start_index = 150
 45    bias = np.array([-1])
 46    attack = Attack('bias', bias, attack_start_index)
 47    # Attacks detection instant. This value comes from the detector.
 48    recovery_index = 200
 50    # OPR parameters: strip vector l and parameters a, b
 51    s = Strip(np.array([-1, 0]), a=-4.2, b=-3.8)
 52    P_given = 0.95
 53    max_recovery_step = 140
 54    # plot
 55    ref_index = 0
 57    # Kalman filter parameters for the OPR-CL
 58    kf_C = np.array([[0, 1]]) # This parameter depends on the attack characteristics
 59    k_given = 40   # This is K. Maximum number of recovery steps
 60    kf_R = np.diag([1e-7])
 62    # Parameters for the RTR-LQR 
 63    safe_set_lo = np.array([4, 30])
 64    safe_set_up = np.array([5.07, 80])
 65    target_set_lo = np.array([3.8, 35.81277766])
 66    target_set_up = np.array([4.2, 60])
 67    recovery_ref = np.array([4,  41.81277766])
 68    Q = np.diag([100, 1])
 69    QN = np.diag([100, 1])
 70    R = np.diag([1])
 72    # Plot 
 73    output_index = 0
 74    x_lim = (2.8, 4.2)
 75    y_lim = (3.65, 5.2)
 76    y_label = 'Rotational speed [rad/s]'
 77    strip = (4.2, 3.8)
 80# -------------------- quadruple tank ----------------------------
 81class quadruple_tank_bias:
 82    # Experiment name
 83    name = 'quadruple_tank_bias'
 84    # Maximum simulation steps
 85    max_index = 300
 86    # Discretization time
 87    dt = 1
 88    # Reference vector
 89    ref = [np.array([7, 7])] * 1001 + [np.array([7, 7])] * 1000
 90    # Noise characteristics
 91    noise = {
 92        'process': {
 93            'type': 'white',
 94            'param': {'C': np.diag([0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05])}
 95        }
 96    }
 97    # Import system dynamics
 98    model = QuadrupleTank('test', dt, max_index, noise)
 99    # Control input constraints
100    control_lo = np.array([0, 0])
101    control_up = np.array([10, 10])
102    model.controller.set_control_limit(control_lo, control_up)
103    # Attack characteristics
104    attack_start_index = 150
105    bias = np.array([-2.0, 0])
106    attack = Attack('bias', bias, attack_start_index)
107    recovery_index = 160
110    # OPR parameters: strip vector l and parameters a, b
111    s = Strip(np.array([-1, 0, 0, 0]), a=-14.3, b=-13.7)
112    P_given = 0.95
113    max_recovery_step = 140
115    # Kalman filter parameters for the OPR-CL
116    kf_C = np.array([[0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]])  # depend on attack
117    k_given = 40 # This is K. Maximum number of recovery steps
118    kf_R = np.diag([1e-7, 1e-7, 1e-7])
120    # Parameters for the RTR-LQR 
121    safe_set_lo = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0])
122    safe_set_up = np.array([20, 20, 20, 20])
123    target_set_lo = np.array([13.8, 13.8, 0, 0])
124    target_set_up = np.array([14.2, 14.2, 20, 20])
125    recovery_ref = np.array([14, 14, 2, 2.5])
126    Q = np.diag([1, 1, 0, 0])
127    QN = np.diag([1, 1, 0, 0])
128    R = np.diag([1, 1])
131    # plot
132    ref_index = 0
133    output_index = 0
134    x_lim = (140, 200)
135    y_lim = (6.7, 9)
136    y_label = 'water level - cm'
137    strip = (7.15, 6.85)  # modify according to strip
140# -------------------- f16 ----------------------------
141class f16_bias:
142    # Experiment name
143    name = 'f16_bias'
144    # Maximum simulation steps
145    max_index = 550
146    # Discretization time
147    dt = 0.02
148    # Reference vector
149    ref = [np.array([0.0872665 * 57.3])] * 801
150    # Noise characteristics
151    noise = {
152        'process': {
153            'type': 'white',
154            'param': {'C': np.eye(4) * 0.002}
155        }
156    }
157    # Import system dynamics
158    model = F16('test', dt, max_index, noise)
159    # Control input constraints
160    control_lo = np.array([-25])
161    control_up = np.array([25])
162    model.controller.set_control_limit(control_lo, control_up)
163    # Attack characteristics
164    attack_start_index = 400
165    bias = np.array([-10])
166    attack = Attack('bias', bias, attack_start_index)
167    recovery_index = 470
170    # OPR parameters: strip vector l and parameters a, b
171    s = Strip(np.array([0, 0, 1, 0]), a=4.2/57.3, b=5.8/57.3)
172    P_given = 0.95
173    max_recovery_step = 140
175    # Kalman filter parameters for the OPR-CL
176    kf_C = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]])  # depend on attack
177    k_given = 40 # This is K. Maximum number of recovery steps
178    kf_R = np.diag([1e-7, 1e-7, 1e-7])
181    # Parameters for the RTR-LQR 
182    safe_set_lo = np.array([300, -5.01717652e-01, 0.04, -1])
183    safe_set_up = np.array([5.02135552e+02,1.01717652e-01, 0.116, 1])
184    target_set_lo = np.array([3.52135331e+02, -1.51738001e-01,  0.0871,  3.05954232e-04])
185    target_set_up = np.array([4.52135331e+02,  -0.51738001e-01, 0.0873,  4.05954232e-04])
186    recovery_ref = np.array([4.02135552e+02, -1.01717652e-01, 0.0872665, 1.83150103e-04])
187    Q = np.diag([1, 1, 10000, 10000])
188    QN = np.diag([1, 1, 10000, 10000])
189    R = np.diag([1])
191    # Plots 
192    ref_index = 0
193    output_index = 0
194    x_lim = (7.9, 8.95)
195    y_lim = (4.5, 6.7)
196    y_label = 'pitch angle - degree'
197    strip = (5.1, 4.9)
201# -------------------- aircraft_pitch ----------------------------
202class aircraft_pitch_bias:
203    # Experiment name
204    name = 'aircraft_pitch_bias'
205    # Maximum simulation steps
206    max_index = 1500
207    # Discretization time
208    dt = 0.02
209    # Reference vector
210    ref = [np.array([0.2])] * (max_index + 1)
211    # Noise characteristics
212    noise = {
213        'process': {
214            'type': 'white',
215            'param': {'C': np.diag([0.0003, 0.0002, 0.0003])}
216        }
217    }
218    # Import system dynamics
219    model = AircraftPitch('aircraft_pitch', dt, max_index, noise)
220    # Control input constraints
221    control_lo = np.array([-20])
222    control_up = np.array([20])
223    model.controller.set_control_limit(control_lo, control_up)
224    # Attack characteristics
225    attack_start_index = 500
226    bias = np.array([-1])
227    attack = Attack('bias', bias, attack_start_index)
228    recovery_index = 550
231    # OPR parameters: strip vector l and parameters a, b
232    s = Strip(np.array([0, 0, -1]), a=-0.395, b=-0.005)
233    P_given = 0.95
234    max_recovery_step = 140
236    # Kalman filter parameters for the OPR-CL
237    kf_C = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0]])  # depend on attack
238    k_given = 40 # This is K. Maximum number of recovery steps
239    kf_R = np.diag([1e-7, 1e-7])
241    # baseline
242    safe_set_lo = np.array([-5,    -5, 0])
243    safe_set_up = np.array([5,    5, 1.175])
244    target_set_lo = np.array([0.01624,    0.0, 0.19])
245    target_set_up = np.array([0.05624,  0.01, 0.21])
246    recovery_ref = np.array([0.05624,    0.00028221, 0.2])
247    Q = np.diag([1, 100000, 100000])
248    QN = np.diag([1, 100000, 100000])
249    R = np.diag([1])
251    # plot
252    ref_index = 0
253    output_index = 0
254    x_lim = (9.7, 12.7)
255    y_lim = (0, 1.3)
256    y_label = 'pitch - rad'
257    strip = (0.23, 0.17)
260# -------------------- boeing747 ----------------------------
261class boeing747_bias:
262    # Experiment name
263    name = 'boeing747'
264    # Maximum simulation steps
265    max_index = 800
266    # Discretization time
267    dt = 0.02
268    # Reference vector
269    ref = [np.array([1])] * (max_index + 1)
270    # Noise characteristics
271    noise = {
272        'process': {
273            'type': 'white',
274            'param': {'C': np.eye(5) * 0.02}
275        }
276    }
277    # Import system dynamics
278    model = Boeing('boeing747', dt, max_index, noise)
279    # Control input constraints
280    control_lo = np.array([-30])
281    control_up = np.array([30])
282    model.controller.set_control_limit(control_lo, control_up)
283    # Attack characteristics
284    attack_start_index = 400
285    bias = np.array([-1])
286    attack = Attack('bias', bias, attack_start_index)
287    recovery_index = 430
290    # OPR parameters: strip vector l and parameters a, b
291    s = Strip(np.array([-1, 0, 0, 0, 0]), a=-1.4, b=-0.6)
292    P_given = 0.95
293    max_recovery_step = 140
295    # Kalman filter parameters for the OPR-CL
296    kf_C = np.array([[0, 1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 1]])  # depend on attack
297    k_given = 40 # This is K. Maximum number of recovery steps
298    kf_R = np.diag([1e-7, 1e-7, 1e-7, 1e-7])
300    # baseline
301    safe_set_lo = np.array([0.0, -10, -5, -5, -30])
302    #safe_set_up = np.array([1.817344443758, 5, 5, 50, 15])
303    safe_set_up = np.array([1.819, 5, 20, 50, 25])
304    target_set_lo = np.array([0.9, -10, -10, -10, -100])
305    target_set_up = np.array([1.1, 10, 100, 100, 100])
306    recovery_ref = np.array([1, 0, 0, 0, 0])
307    Q = np.diag([100000, 1, 10000, 1, 1])
308    QN = np.diag([100000, 1, 10000, 1, 1])
309    R = np.diag([1]) * 0.1
311    # plot
312    ref_index = 0
313    output_index = 0
314    x_lim = (7.8,9.5)
315    y_lim = (0.7, 2.0)
316    y_label = 'Yaw angle - rad'
317    strip = (0.85, 1.15)
319def generate_list(dimension, value):
320    temp = []
321    for i in range(dimension):
322        temp.append(value)
323    return temp
324# -------------------- heat ----------------------------
325class heat_bias:
326    # Experiment name
327    name = 'heat'
328    # Maximum simulation steps
329    max_index = 1000
330    # Discretization time
331    dt = 1
332    # Reference vector
333    ref = [np.array([15])] * (max_index + 1)
334    # Noise characteristics
335    noise = {
336        'process': {
337            'type': 'white',
338            'param': {'C': np.eye(45) * 0.0001}
339        }
340    }
341    # Import system dynamics
342    model = Heat('heat', dt, max_index, noise)
343    # Control input constraints
344    control_lo = np.array([-0.5])
345    control_up = np.array([50])
346    model.controller.set_control_limit(control_lo, control_up)
347    # Attack characteristics
348    attack_start_index = 400
349    bias = np.array([-1])
350    attack = Attack('bias', bias, attack_start_index)
351    recovery_index = 500
354    l = np.zeros((45,))
355    y_point = (45 + 1) // 3 * 2 - 1
356    l[y_point] = -1
357    # OPR parameters: strip vector l and parameters a, b
358    s = Strip(l, a=-15.3, b=-14.7)
359    P_given = 0.95
360    max_recovery_step = 160
361    # plot
362    ref_index = 0
363    output_index = 0
365    kf_C = np.zeros((44, 45))  # depend on attack
366    for i in range(44):
367        if i < y_point:
368            kf_C[i][i] = 1
369        elif i >= y_point:
370            kf_C[i][i + 1] = 1
371    k_given = 40 # This is K. Maximum number of recovery steps
372    temp = []
373    for i in range(44):
374        temp.append(1e-7)
375    kf_R = np.diag(temp)
377    # baseline
378    temp = generate_list(45, -10)
379    safe_set_lo = np.array(temp)
381    temp = generate_list(45, 1000)
382    safe_set_up = np.array(temp)
384    temp = generate_list(45, -10)
385    temp[y_point] = 14.8
386    target_set_lo = np.array(temp)
388    temp = generate_list(45, 1000)
389    temp[y_point] = 15.2
390    target_set_up = np.array(temp)
392    temp = generate_list(45, 0)
393    temp[y_point] = 15
394    recovery_ref = np.array(temp)
396    temp = generate_list(45, 1)
397    temp[y_point] = 1
398    Q = np.diag(temp)
399    QN = np.diag(temp)
400    R = np.diag([1]) * 10000
406# -------------------- platoon ----------------------------
407class platoon_bias:
408    # Experiment name
409    name = 'platoon'
410    # Maximum simulation steps
411    max_index = 800
412    # Discretization time
413    dt = 0.02
414    # Reference vector
415    ref = [np.array([2])] * (max_index + 1)
416    # Noise characteristics
417    noise = {
418        'process': {
419            'type': 'white',
420            'param': {'C': np.eye(7) * 0.0001}
421        }
422    }
423    # Import system dynamics
424    model = Platoon('Platoon', dt, max_index, noise)
425    # Control input constraints
426    control_lo = np.array([-5, -5, -5, -5])
427    control_up = np.array([5, 5, 5, 5])
428    model.controller.set_control_limit(control_lo, control_up)
429    # Attack characteristics
430    attack_start_index = 400
431    bias = np.array([-1])
432    attack = Attack('bias', bias, attack_start_index)
433    recovery_index = 450
436    # OPR parameters: strip vector l and parameters a, b
437    s = Strip(np.array([-1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]), a=-2.3, b=-1.7)
438    P_given = 0.95
439    max_recovery_step = 140
440    # plot
441    ref_index = 0
442    output_index = 0
443    x_lim = (7.5,10)
444    y_lim = (1.5, 2.7)
445    y_label = 'relative distance error with car 1 and 2'
446    strip = (1.9, 2.1)
448    kf_C = np.array([[0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0],
449                     [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]])  # depend on attack
450    k_given = 40 # This is K. Maximum number of recovery steps
451    kf_R = np.diag([1e-7, 1e-7, 1e-7, 1e-7, 1e-7, 1e-7])
453    # baseline
454    safe_set_lo = np.array([1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0])
455    safe_set_up = np.array([2.5, 3, 3, 5, 5, 5, 5])
456    target_set_lo = np.array([1.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
457    target_set_up = np.array([2.05, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5])
458    recovery_ref = np.array([2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2])
459    Q = np.diag([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1])
460    QN = np.diag([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1])
461    R = np.diag([1, 1, 1, 1])
464# -------------------- rlc_circuit ----------------------------
465class rlc_circuit_bias:
466    # Experiment name
467    name = 'rlc_circuit'
468    # Maximum simulation steps
469    max_index = 800
470    # Discretization time
471    dt = 0.02
472    # Reference vector
473    ref = [np.array([3])] * (max_index + 1)
474    # Noise characteristics
475    noise = {
476        'process': {
477            'type': 'white',
478            'param': {'C': np.eye(2) * 0.0001}
479        }
480    }
481    # Import system dynamics
482    model = RlcCircuit('rlc_circuit', dt, max_index, noise)
483    # Control input constraints
484    control_lo = np.array([-15])
485    control_up = np.array([15])
486    model.controller.set_control_limit(control_lo, control_up)
487    # Attack characteristics
488    attack_start_index = 400
489    bias = np.array([-1])
490    attack = Attack('bias', bias, attack_start_index)
491    recovery_index = 415
494    # OPR parameters: strip vector l and parameters a, b
495    s = Strip(np.array([-1, 0]), a=-3.2, b=-2.8)
496    P_given = 0.95
497    max_recovery_step = 140
498    # plot
499    ref_index = 0
500    output_index = 0
501    x_lim = (7.9, 8.7)
502    y_lim = (2.7, 4.1)
503    y_label = 'Capacitor Voltage - V'
504    strip = (2.8, 3.2)
506    kf_C = np.array([[0, 1]])  # depend on attack
507    k_given = 40 # This is K. Maximum number of recovery steps
508    kf_R = np.diag([1e-7])
510    # baseline
511    safe_set_lo = np.array([2.5, -1])
512    safe_set_up = np.array([4, 0.5])
513    target_set_lo = np.array([2.95, -1])
514    target_set_up = np.array([3.05, 1])
515    recovery_ref = np.array([3, -1.52863266e-05])
516    Q = np.diag([1, 1])
517    QN = np.diag([1, 1])
518    R = np.diag([1])
521# -------------------- quadrotor ----------------------------
522class quadrotor_bias:
523    # Experiment name
524    name = 'quadrotor'
525    # Maximum simulation steps
526    max_index = 1000
527    # Discretization time
528    dt = 0.02
529    # Reference vector
530    ref = [np.array([4])] * (max_index + 1)
531    # Noise characteristics
532    noise = {
533        'process': {
534            'type': 'white',
535            'param': {'C': np.eye(12) * 0.08}
536        }
537    }
538    # Import system dynamics
539    model = Quadrotor('quadrotor', dt, max_index, noise)
540    # Control input constraints
541    control_lo = np.array([-50])
542    control_up = np.array([50])
543    model.controller.set_control_limit(control_lo, control_up)
544    # Attack characteristics
545    attack_start_index = 400
546    bias = np.array([-2])
547    attack = Attack('bias', bias, attack_start_index)
548    recovery_index = 410
551    # OPR parameters: strip vector l and parameters a, b
552    s = Strip(np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1]), a=-4.5, b=-3.5)
553    P_given = 0.95
554    max_recovery_step = 140
555    # plot
556    ref_index = 0
557    output_index = 5
558    x_lim = (7.9, 8.9)
559    y_lim = (3.5, 6.2)
560    y_label = 'Altitude - m'
561    strip = (4.3, 3.7)
563    # kf_C = np.array([[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]])  # depend on attack
564    kf_C = np.zeros((11, 12))
565    for i in range(11):
566        kf_C[i][i] = 1
567    # print(kf_C)
568    k_given = 40 # This is K. Maximum number of recovery steps
569    kf_R = np.diag([1e-7, 1e-7, 1e-7, 1e-7, 1e-7, 1e-7, 1e-7, 1e-7, 1e-7, 1e-7, 1e-7])
571    # baseline
572    safe_set_lo = np.array([-1, -1, -1, -10, -10, -10, -10, -10, -10, -10, -10, 3.5])
573    safe_set_up = np.array([10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 7.8])
574    target_set_lo = np.array([-1, -1, -1, -10, -10, -10, -10, -10, -10, -10, -10, 3.9])
575    target_set_up = np.array([10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 4.1])
576    recovery_ref = np.array([5.67886532e-03,  5.25493934e-03, -1.59956078e-03,  1.21647831e-03,
577  2.57637592e-04,  1.17194568e-03, -2.24887084e-01,  1.84248778e-01,
578 -2.22306362e-03, -5.65196133e-01,  4.69398702e-01,  4])
579    Q = np.diag([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1])
580    QN = np.diag([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1])
581    R = np.diag([1])
584# -------------------- lane keeping ----------------------------
585class lane_keeping:
586    # Experiment name
587    name = 'lane_keeping_bias'
588    # Maximum simulation steps
589    max_index = 250
590    # Discretization time
591    dt = 0.05
592    # Reference vector
593    ref = [np.array([0, 0, 0, 0])] * (max_index + 1)
594    # Noise characteristics
595    noise = {
596        'process': {
597            'type': 'white',
598            'param': {'C': np.eye(4) * 0.002}
599        }
600    }
601    # Import system dynamics
602    model = LaneKeeping('test', dt, max_index, noise)
603    # Control input constraints
604    control_lo = np.array([-0.261799])
605    control_up = np.array([0.261799])
606    model.controller.set_control_limit(control_lo, control_up)
607    # Attack characteristics
608    attack_start_index = 100
609    bias = np.array([-0.6, 0, 0, 0])
610    attack = Attack('bias', bias, attack_start_index)
611    recovery_index = 130
614    # OPR parameters: strip vector l and parameters a, b
615    s = Strip(np.array([1, 0, 0, 0]), a=-0.05, b=0.05)
616    P_given = 0.95
617    max_recovery_step = 1150
618    # plot
619    ref_index = 0
620    output_index = 0
621    x_lim = (4.5, 9.3)
622    y_lim = (-0.1, 0.6)
623    y_label = 'lateral error - m'
624    strip = (-0.05, 0.05)
626    kf_C = np.array([[0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]])
627    k_given = 100 # This is K. Maximum number of recovery steps
628    kf_R = np.diag([1e-7, 1e-7, 1e-7])
630    # baseline
631    safe_set_lo = np.array([-0.03, -0.5, -0.5, -0.5])
632    safe_set_up = np.array([0.55, 1, 1, 1])
633    target_set_lo = np.array([-0.04, -0.5, -0.5, -0.5])
634    target_set_up = np.array([0.04, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5])
635    recovery_ref = np.array([0, 0.00726603,  0.00359684, -0.00704901])
636    Q = np.diag([100, 1, 1, 1])
637    QN = np.diag([100, 1, 1, 1])
638    R = np.diag([1])


High-fidelity Simulators

Since CPSim is a python package, it can be used in conjunction with any simulator that can be called from python. Especially, many high-fidelity simulators are controlled through python node of ROS, such as Gazebo, SVL, CARLA, and AirSim.

This example demonstrates how to use the toolbox to recover an autonomous vehicle in the SVL simulator. The vehicle suffers from an IMU sensor attack, deviates from its own lane, and even enters the oncoming lane, as shown in Figure (a). To apply the lqr recovery controller [2]_ after detecting the attack, we need to integrate the toolbox with the SVL simulator. Since there is a ROS bridge communicating with the simulator, we load the toolbox in a ROS node, which is responsible for recovering the vehicle from the attack within a safety deadline. Figure (b) shows that vehicle returns to its lane during the recovery process. Figure (c) shows that the recovery controller steers the vehicle to a safe region, the road shoulder, to avoid a collision after recovery.

SVL simulation results

Finally, we show the demonstration video here.

Robotic Vehicle Testbed

Autonomous vehicles are a type of CPS that rely on sensor information to perform tasks such as path tracking and lane keeping. We built scaled autonomous vehicles, measuring 24 cm in length and 19 cm in width, as testbeds to evaluate the proposed attack detection and recovery methods.

Robotic Vehicle Testbed

Autonomous vehicles sense states and environments, make decisions, and control mobility. Our robotic vehicle testbeds, whose hardware architecture is shown in the following figure, simulate these functions through the following stages:

  1. Perception: Our testbed is equipped with an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU), Ultra-wideband (UWB), and encoder sensors that measure attitude, position, and velocity, respectively. We can also use cameras and LiDAR to collect additional environmental data. However, these sensors are vulnerable to sensor attacks.

  2. Decision Making: A Raspberry Pi with Robot Operating System (ROS2) serves as the main controller. It collects sensor data, estimates vehicle states, and generates control signals. The system uses different controllers for longitudinal and lateral control. For cruise control, a PID controller stabilizes the testbed’s velocity based on encoder feedback. For lane keeping, a Stanley Controller uses the front axle as its reference point, considering both heading error and cross-track error. We can also deploy the proposed attack detection and recovery algorithms on this system.

  3. Control: An STM32 microcontroller with FreeRTOS system receives control signals from the Raspberry Pi through a Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) protocol. Running a real-time operating system, it performs time-sensitive tasks such as generating Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) signals to drive actuators.

  4. Actuator: The actuator stage includes components such as motors and servos that execute vehicle movements according to control signals.

Hardware Architecture of Robotic Vehicle Testbed

To demonstrate the toolbox usage, we show a real-time attack recovery on SVL high-fidelity simulator. We implement the LQR-based attack recovery method [2]_ on the robotic vehicle testbed, and the design is illustrated in this figure:

Real-time Attack Recovery Implementation on Robotic Vehicle Testbed

Autonomous vehicles perform lateral control to track paths provided by path planning modules. High-fidelity models of vehicle dynamics are complex, non-linear, and discontinuous. However, to reduce computational complexity, path tracking controllers typically consider a simplified lateral dynamics model of the vehicle (as shown in the following equation). This model approximates dynamic effects to improve tracking performance.

\begin{equation}\label{equ:lanekeeping} \frac{d}{d t} \left[\begin{array}{c} y \\ \dot{y} \\ \psi \\ \dot{\psi} \end{array}\right]=\left[\begin{array}{cccc} 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & \frac{-\left(c_f+c_r\right)}{m v_x} & 0 & \frac{\left(l_r c_r-l_f c_f\right)}{m v_x}-v_x \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \\ 0 & \frac{l_r c_r-l_f c_f}{I_z v_x} & 0 & \frac{-\left(\ell_f^2 c_f+\ell_r^2 c_r\right)}{I_z v_x} \end{array}\right]\left[\begin{array}{c} y \\ \dot{y} \\ \psi \\ \dot{\psi} \end{array}\right]+\left[\begin{array}{c} 0 \\ \frac{c_f}{m} \\ 0 \\ \frac{l_f c_f}{I_z} \end{array}\right] \delta \end{equation}

Here, \(c_f\) and \(c_r\) represent cornering stiffness for the front and rear tires; \(l_f\) and \(l_r\) are the distances from the front and rear tires to the vehicle’s center of gravity; \(I_z\) is the vehicle’s moment of inertia; and \(v_x\) is the longitudinal velocity. The system states are lateral distance from the path (\(y\)), lateral error rate (\(\dot{y}\)), yaw error (\(\psi\)), and yaw error rate (\(\dot{\psi}\)). The control input is the front wheel steering angle ( \(\delta\)).

To achieve path tracking, we implement the Stanley lateral controller in ROS. The control law is expressed as \(\delta(t)=\psi(t)+\tan ^{-1}\left(\frac{k y(t)}{v_x(t)}\right)\). The yaw error (\(\psi\)) is obtained from the IMU sensor, and the lateral distance from the path (\(y\)) is obtained from the UWB sensor for indoor use. In the absence of sensor attacks, the controller can perform path tracking tasks with good performance. The attacker launches an attack on the IMU sensor, reducing the value of \(\psi\) by 0.60 radians from the start of the attack, with a detection delay of 60 control steps. Figure (a) shows the attack result as detected by the detector. Subsequently, our proposed method begins controlling the vehicle back to the safe zone, as shown in Figure (c).

Recovery demonstration from our testbed

Finally, we show the demonstration video here.